Monday, March 16, 2015

The World Needs Losers

Everyone has felt it before; at least everyone reading this blog (which is nobody, according to my page views). We are all losers here. People make fun of us, they call us names and they thrash us around, and make everyone hate us to make themselves feel better. I felt this myself, and although it may have just been my depression I have been put on the brink of doing illegal things. I know, it's horrible to be a loser. And people will try hard to make you feel special, tell you that you aren't a loser and try ever so hard to make you feel better. It doesn't work; society favors bullies for some reason, like they could just allow us to pummel the retards and be done with them. They'd never bully you again if they knew they'd get a good ass beating from it. But society doesn't like that; they'd rather have our emotions get deep-seated to the point where we go and shoot up a bunch of kindergarteners. Unless you're 30 and have Asperger's, in which case you have a mental disorder and need to be committed to an institution. But if you're just normal and have those deep-seated feelings there's really nothing you can do...

Now I'm not going to go off saying that everyone is special. Because in truth, not everyone is special. A lot of us are losers. I could say that you are who you want to be. I could say that if you accept yourself than that's enough. I would be lying though. Some people are just pathetic, like me. I'm a loser and I know it. I accept it, and I'll always be a nobody. I know that. And there's not much I can do to change that. Losers will always be losers.

But think about it. Why do losers exist? Think about why you're being bullied. There are people out there with even more deep-seated issues than you. The people who bully you, they feel inadequate. They do the things they do because if they didn't they'd be in your position; bullied and without anyone to bully. A loser, in the sense. Now think of your role. In a way, we are the base. The foundation. Though we have to have everything piled up on us, the inevitable truth is that we keep people happy. Now I'm not saying you don't deserve happiness too; everyone deserves happiness. But honestly, without us the people who bullied us would be just as miserable. That may sound like a good thing, until you think about how you feel. Would you wish your torment on anybody you didn't know? No, you wouldn't. People can say that you're special, but not everyone is. People can say you should be happy with who you are, but that doesn't really work, now does it? The only absolute truth about losers is that society needs losers; it needs people to shit on. Without these nexuses of negative energy, imagine how miserable all of society would be. Now of course there are innovative losers; myself for instance, I am going to become a Mangaka in the near future and rub my bullies faces into the dirt with my success...right before I kill them and eat their children, but that's my own dilemma. But then there's losers who eat the worlds shit and get nothing in return; people who will always be losers and can't fix it. Knowing that society would be a waste if every person in the world was like this, it's good to know there are about 5 bullies for every person who has nobody to bully, the base, the foundation of society. I sound like an ass but you know it's true, society needs people to shit on or their own problems would devour them too. Many of them have bigger issues than you, like family problems or financial issues or they're just plain sick and need people to keep themselves feeling important. They're not important; they're feather weights compared to your ability to take the shit. They're the paint on the surface and you are the wood beneath it. If you think that all is lost, just look back on this; you may be a loser and nothing more there may be nothing you can do about it, and you may not be unique, and you may not be special, and you may not be happy in your skin; but the one thing that will always be true, Godels Unproven Statement, no matter what the other factors are, you are important to society; it needs you. Without you it will crumble. It's like a sacrifice. You sacrifice your popularity and thus the social order is kept in balance. It's barbaric, yes, but as is the nature of humanity; barbarism and savagery. Now don't you feel better knowing that without you everyone else is a loser themselves? I don't, but I hate society anyways...why should you?
Thank you for your time, and sorry for making you feel aweful; just your friendly neighborhood surgeon doing his work. And like a surgeon, I have to cut people open to save them. One patient at a time.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Black and Blue or White and Gold

Alright, alright. So there's apparently this dress swimming around the internet that has caused an uproar about what color it is. People are taking sides, and claiming that their faction is right. It's crazy insane that people care so much about one stupid dress, but I'm here to put that all to rest. Listen up, and listen well. When you up the contrast of black enough, you get the original color it was darkened from. But when you lower the contrast of actual, you get black again. Three pictures of the dress were compiled (by myself) with different variations in the contrast. The first was the white, the third was the black, and the middle is kind of a brownish grey. Apparently the dress is faded and really old, or just in the shade. Either way, we were presented with one picture by the tweet. Regardless of the color of the dress, the truth being that it was black and blue, the picture itself is white and gold, not the dress; this is because the picture had it's contrast upped to a great degree. You can tell because the images in the background are barely visible in the saturated light of the contrast increase. Sorry Whites and gold, but the dress is black and blue. But don't stop reading yet, the black and blues are wrong too. Like I said the original dress is black and blue, however the picture presented in the tweet was one of a white and gold dress, thanks to photoshop. Apparently some hipster discovered the sliders in the color options and decided to play with them, and realized black makes colors when you take away the black part. Who the fuck knew you could do that? Gee, I don't know, any preschooler? So the point is the dress is both white and gold and black and blue, one being the original and one being a really bad prank that got really out of hand. Those hipsters are probably laughing their asses off knowing we are basically giving our free will to them. But I also have another theor- WHO THE FUCK CARES. IT'S A FUCKING DRESS. GET OVER IT INTERNET. Why would you waste your life worrying about a stupid dress and what color it is? It's retarded honestly. Don't get so 'black and blue' over it, pun intended, it's really not relevant to your life. This is why I don't talk to people; they put the 'twit' in 'twitter'. Your welcome, you ungreatful mouth breathers, for solving your problem for you. I honestly feel that while everyone was fighting and I was busy not caring I had advanced intellectually at least a couple of days faster than anyone who actually cared.

No need to thank me, just your friendly neighborhood surgeon doing his job. Now go home and quit being asshats before I make you black and blue! Just kidding.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The truth between meat eaters and vegans.

Meat is awesome, vegans suck. But wait, don't flame me yet, I have something to say that has nothing to do with what I said. Don't let me lose my faith in humanity, just listen. Calmly, take your finger off the reply button. let go of that long held breath of anger. Breathe. The internet is not a place for violence, unless that's your fetish which I won't judge if it is. The reason we can't have a peaceful, intelligent comment box is because half of you really want to flame this comment. Whether or not what I said was acceptable, or whether or not my real diet choice is (happy fish-eater) we can totally avoid an entire internet battlefield by simply letting go. Now...does anyone have anything logical, plolite, perhaps intelligent comments about what I just said? If you eply with anger than I'll know you did not read the entire thing and that responding back will be a waste of time. Perception, ladies and gents. I apologize for what I said in the beginning of this paragraph, I do not mean to insult either party...neither do I support either one. I'm simply here to put this whole thing to rest.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Internet Wars Are Ridiculous

You know, I've been around the block quite a few times. I've been practically everywhere on the internet, seen every fandom, and have the grave misfortune of having seen everybody's fetish, to the point where I'm both desensitized to it and completely turned off by everybody. But mostly, I've been stuck in the crossfire of a few internet wars, and even started a few! Vegan vs. Carnivore, Pot vs. Prohibition, Guns vs. Gun Control, everything from topics as serious as Video Games Cause Violence In Children to things as outright stupid like My Religion Is Better Than Yours. Hot debates like these can be started in an instant; one person lights off a few rounds then what do you know thanks to this lovely thing called the World Wide Web you have millions of people choosing sides and fighting till they die. The problem is that you need to ask yourself one question: When was the last time you saw any of these debates come to a close? Like, no body arguing over them anymore? The answer unfortunately is that you haven't. None of these issues have ever been solved, and they never will be solved. The End. Why waste your time arguing over simplistic things with people you don't even know, when you know you aren't going to change the opinions of the 30 million people who read that article? Frivolous things like Vegans versus Carnivores are about others lifestyle choices anyways, why do you want to invest your precious minutes into all that noise? It's fruitless to argue. That's why I wrote a blog, so that people will have no choice but to rage me. Isn't the internet lovely?

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Friendzone Isn't As Bad As You Think

For my first post, I will go over everyone has faced and that everyone can relate to...
The Friend Zone.
I will try to censor my language as best I can.

No one likes it, it's essentially the landfill that every girl (or guy) tosses the unwanted. And that's what it feels like being there; a landfill. I recently just ended up there myself, and it's not cool. You feel like that person of your infatuation could have been yours, if you had only made the right choices. In some cases it doesn't matter what choices you make, maybe you just didn't get there in time, and when you did s/he already had her lover. What makes it worse is that you're friends, so you will always be just close enough to barely taste bliss but that bliss will always be just out of your reach; you'll always hear her talk about his hair and sometimes see them making out just as you enter the room; you will always be driven to see her and talk to her even though it's too painful to even begin to think about. You like to think you will let go or have already gotten over them but deep down you will always wish things to be different. It's limbo.

But...It doesn't ever have to be as bad as you think. I always hear people say that the friend zone is terrible. But as I've been rejected indirectly, I've come around a few times and realized some things about the friend zone. The major thing though that I have to stress, it's better than being a boyfriend or girlfriend. Hear me out; when I explain you will understand everything. It's not as bad as it seems once you've been there for a while. Think about it; the person you love will always be there, friends don't give up on each other as easily as exes do. Where when you date someone and eventually break up, because you know it will happen eventually, you will most likely go separate ways and forget each other. My first girlfriend and I are still best friends but it was just fortunate circumstances that kept it that way. But if you're friends with her without having dated her, then you can form a bind that may not be quite as close as you want but she'll always love you like a friend and never abandon you, you will always get to be with her and you will never drift apart like the exes do. If you can keep it normal and don't confess your feelings outright, she will also never find it awkward to talk to you like she would if you had dated and then separated. Even when she's married she will always see you as being close to her heart, the way you feel about your best friend, and while she will think other people are just coming on to her, you can always look at how gorgeous she is and tell her how smart and funny you think she can be without her seeming like you're attracted to her, that you're just a friend complimenting her. Plus you will always get to see her and talk to her. Think about what would happen if you dated and then broke up; like I said, it would be pretty awkward, and you may have lost even harder when you can't see her anymore.

Another perk is that while you will still always be jealous of her newest boyfriend you will never have to be paranoid about her leaving you. As I said she will not leave you behind if she was even worth loving in the first place, where as when you're dating you will always be looking over your shoulder at every chance, trying to intimidate other guys that talk to her, be afraid she will leave you and when she eventually does you will feel greater pain than any friend zone ever could. If that's how you got there in the first place than it will still be alright if you don't make stupid decisions like try to get back together with her, and instead try to just be there for her when she needs you. Anyways, whether you were rejected or dumped, once you're there you never have to worry about being replaced or not being good enough, because a friend can't be measured to one another. Crushes and sweethearts can out way each other in chemistry, but if you act like a best friend you will always be a best friend and nothing less. You also never have to get stuck in drama. You can't really cheat on a friend because you can have more than one, unlike boyfriends and girlfriends (except for Arabic men, they're so lucky...) and if you have some flaw she doesn't like, who cares she isn't dating you! If she were, she would worry about that flaw so much it would kill the relationship in time. My best friend knows I have immense depression, but she always is there to help, where as my girlfriend was always concerned that it might affect our love. It didn't much, we just moved to different schools, but you understand what I mean.

And in the end you will still be just nigh of her lover. You'll get to see her more, you'll always be able to have fun with her, you will always get the same amount of love a boyfriend would have if you make the right choices and be careful of what you tell her of your feelings, even if it's the strong love best friends have instead of puppy love. Maybe you can even get that kiss you always dreamed of, just not on the lips, and you can always give her a long and powerful hug if she isn't afraid of being touched like a few of my friends (thankfully my ex isn't one of them). So with this in mind, does it still seem like you'd rather be her lover? Of course you'll still want to rip his head off when he touches your could-have-been, and you will always look back and shed a few tears at the warmth you used to feel, but when you look at now, the way she talks to you, the way she will always come to you and no one else about her emotional problems, the way she will always ask you to come over and play video games instead of her ex, does it seem so bad to be considered a friend?

Look at any friend you have. You trust them, you love them, you know they will have your back even when the drama sets in, especially if they're worth keeping around. She will always think you're worth it if you make her feel that way, which is easy when you aren't being a total dick to her, huge friend breaking issues like drugs not withstanding. She will always trust you after every break up, she will always look to your shoulder to cry on. In time it will become creepy for you to even think about kissing her on the lips; I am so thankful now that I'm not with her, she's into pegging as I realized, and I just don't even feel sorry for her new boyfriend anymore.

So there you have it. Take this information with butter, not all of it will work with some people. But if you've just been rejected, then give it a while, maybe a month or two, then come back and listen to what I have said, and you will soon start to feel better. There's definitely more to it than what I've said here, for better or for worse, and if you have anything to add then there's a comment box below, I won't reply if I don't need to. I'm sure you will figure out what's best for you for yourself.

This has been Quinn, your friendly neighborhood Surgeon (Medicare not accepted).

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Welcome to the Real World

Hello everybody, and welcome to The Real World, a dim reality where your so-called problems have only just begun. But they don't have to...thanks to your friendly neighborhood Surgeon (Medicare not accepted). This blog of mine is inspired to change the world through the only way I know how; the Inter webs! I will address anything, from hot debates like gun control to things everyone deals with day-to-day like relationship issues or what to do while waiting for the nth episode of Attack on Titan, to things that I just can't stand. Be prepared for some lash though, I have no discretion and will bash anything I think deserves it, roast every debate, analyze every thing you desire. I take requests, but will post my own topics whenever I can. And yes, before anyone asks, this is a Nerd Blog.